The Stranger Game – Peter Gadol


Are you ready to play?

Rebecca’s on-again, off-again boyfriend, Ezra, has gone missing, but when she notifies the police, they seem surprisingly unconcerned. They suspect he has been playing the ‘stranger game,’ a viral hit in which players start following others in real life, as they might otherwise do on social media.

But as the game spreads, the rules begin to change, and disappearances are reported across the country.

Curious about this popular new obsession, and hoping that she might track down Ezra, Rebecca tries the game for herself. She also meets Carey, who is willing to take the game further than she imagined possible.

In playing the stranger game, what leads Rebecca closer to finding Ezra will take her further and further from the life she once lived . . .


The premise of this book was intriguing and I finished it in one sitting out in the garden. I enjoyed the idea of the game and the characters were interesting and I felt I could connect to some degree.

I was, however, waiting for something else the whole way through. Thinking it might step up a notch or develop in a different way. It would have been good to have more content of the ‘side characters’ which I think should have been much more prominent.

It was a little twisty but not in the way I had hoped. It was a good book but I was expecting more. I didn’t feel the creep factor or any suspense really, a 2.5 rounded up to a 3/5 for me!

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