Stacking the Shelves #2

It’s time for my second instalment of Stacking the Shelves hosted Team Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality. A link-up of the books I’ve added to my shelves this week, physical and e-books.

So, where to start – this week I have been spoiled rotten by my bestie, who has gifted me the books pictured below (along with some amazing goodies) as a belated birthday present!!

1- The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton

2- Miss You by Kate Eberlen

3- If I Can’t Have You by Charlotte Levin

4- We Begin at The End by Chris Whitaker

I also went into town yesterday for the first time in FOREVER and bought these three (pictured below) from Waterstones…

1- American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins

2- Cilka’s Story by Heather Morris

3- Dear Child by Romy Hausmann

In terms of NetGalley approvals… I have been incredibly lucky this week and have four fantastic sounding books approved to read:

1- Eight Perfect Hours by Lia Louis

2- The Island Home by Libby Page.

3- The President’s Daughter by James Patterson and Bill Clinton

4- Saving The Day by Katie Fforde

So all in all that’s 7 physical books and 4 e-books that I’ve acquired this week, no wonder my TBR is out of control!!

Have you read any of these? Drop me a comment and let me know!


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